Oakley Pro Junior 2010
Indonesian Surfing Championships
Canggu Beach, Bali, Indonesia
1 - 6 August 2010
Putra Hermawan Posts Highest Wave Score to Win Oakley Pro Junior | Indonesian below
Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 2 August, 2010 : - - Canggu-Bali: In the intense 25 minute man-on-man final of the Oakley Pro Junior at Canggu Beach in Bali today, Putra Hermawan of Nusa Lembongan posted the highest single wave score of the event, a 9.5 out of a possible 10, to regain the lead and then claim victory over Agus Frimanto, who also hails from Nusa Lembongan.
After today's competition, Hermawan and Frimanto are now the number one and number two ranked surfers in the Coca-Cola ISC Pro Junior Division (surfers under 21 years of age). For their top finishes today and their already accumulated points in the ISC Pro Junior Division, both will receive entry into the coveted ASP sanctioned Oakley World Pro Junior Championships to be held at Keramas from October 2-13.
The Oakley World Pro Junior boasts the richest prize purse in Pro Junior event history, with the winner coming home with a whopping US 20,000!
In addition, Hermawan takes home an Rp 8 million (USD $900) cash prize and Frimanto takes home Rp 5 million (USD $560). Equal third place finishers Gazali Hamzah (Sumbawa) and Darmaputra Tonjo (Bali) each received Rp 3 million (USD $340).
In arguably the most intense and fiercely contested match up of the entire event, Hermawan jumped out into the lead early and appeared to be well on his way to victory with two great scores (a 6.5 and a 7.5) until Frimanto jagged a large set wave and scored a 8.0 to add to a previous 6.0, leaving Hermawan needing better than a 6.5 to regain the lead.
Putra Hermawan : photo Tim Hain
He waited patiently then took off on a medium sized wave and proceeded to launch and complete not only one but two air reverses, getting him a huge score off 9.5, the lead, and eventually the win. As Hermawan recalled it afterwards, “ When Agus scored that 8 point wave and got ahead of me I knew I had to do something big, and with the strong winds blowing all I could thing of was to do a big air. So I took off on that next wave and was so stoked that it lined up for me.
After I landed the first air I couldn’t believe there was a little ramp and the chance to do another one. I knew I had to go for it and make it or it was all over “ he said grinning. “I am sooooo happy….so lucky to get that wave…and that nothing else came in for Agus in the last minutes!” he added.
When asked what this win means to him he replied, “Its my biggest pro junior win for sure, and that’s why I wanted it so bad. Getting the money is great, but getting the win and the number one ranking is the best. Now I get to surf with the top pro juniors in the world in October, plus I hope to be the ISC pro junior champion this year!”
Runner up Frimanto was obviously disappointed, and actually shivering on the beach. When asked about the conditions and how he felt he replied, “It was very hard out there today…the water was cold, the current strong, and it was my third heat, so I was a bit tired I guess. But I’m ok with second place in the event…its not too bad right? And with this second place my ranking is number two so I get to surf the Oakley World pro junior event in October. So overall I’m pretty happy.”
Agus Frimanto : photo Tim Hain
Today was the conclusion of the Oakley Pro Junior 2010, where 25 of Indonesia’s top pro juniors came to compete for cash, ISC championship points, and a chance for entry into the Oakley World Pro Junior Championship contest that is taking place in October.
Today’s competition started after a heavy torrential downpour delayed the planned 7 am start until 8:30 am. The competitors had to contend with the nearby river spilling out slick muddy water into the lineup that acted like grease on their surfboards as well as strong currents and later on howling sideshore winds.
But though the weather and conditions may not have been ideal, Oakley Indonesia’s Sports and Alternate Marketing Manager Gino Andreas was more than happy with the results of the event, saying “that was the craziest final I’ve ever seen, and I couldn’t be more stoked about it.
It was a tough day out there for the boys with the weather and wave conditions being what they were, but it was a great test and the two best competitors made it into the final. It’s an event Oakley can certainly be proud of, and now we’re looking forward to October and more great pro junior action.”
The 2010 Oakley ProJunior was sanctioned by the Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championship Tour and sponsored/supported by Extreme Toys, life., New Era, Firewire, 101.2 Oz Radio Bali, Lines Magazine and Surftime Magazine.
You review all the action including heat scores and heat draw, videos and photos at isctour.com/events/projuniorcanggu and on Facebook at Indonesian Surfing Championship, facebook.com/iscprotour. Also check out the dedicated event site: oakleyprojunior.com and join Oakley Indonesia on Facebook: facebook.com/oakleyindonesia
2010 Oakley Pro Junior Contest Results
1) Putra Hermawan (Nusa Lembongan) 7.5, 9.5 = 17.0 points
2) Agus Frimanto (Nusa Lembongan) 6.0, 8.0 = 14.0 points
3) Gazeli Hamzah (Sumbawa) and Darmaputra Tonjo (Bali)
Canggu set up : photo Tim Hain
Putra Hermawan Meraih Point Ombak Tertinggi di Hari Final dan Memenangkan Oakley Pro Jr
Surfersvillage Global Surf News, 2 August, 2010 : - - Canggu-Bali; Kompetisi yang terasa intense dan final yang penuh tekanan dirasakan oleh dua surfer asal Nusa Lembongan di hari terakhir Oakley Pro Junior 2010. Putra Hermawan meraih score 9,5 dari total tertinggi 10 pada menit terkahir dan mendepak Agus Frimanto sebagai pemimpin heat saat itu.
Hermawan dan Friamtno saat ini adalah penduduk di posisi satu dan dua pada divisi Coca-Cola ISC Pro Junior, dan dari peraihan juara di hari ini dan dikombinasikan dengan point yang sudah mereka kumpulkan selama ini menjadikan mereka berhak untuk mewakili Indonesia pada Oakley World Pro Junio Championship yang akan diadakan di Keramas pada Oktober 2-13 yang menyediakan hadiah sebesar US20,000, dan juga dimana ada akhir kontes hari ini Hermawan membawa pulang hadiah utama Rp 8juta, Frimanto Rp 5 juta, dan dua posisi ke tiga Gazali Hamzah dan Darmaputra Tonjo masing-masing Rp 3 juta.
Mungkin ini adalah sesi final paling ganas di kategori Pro Junior yang pernah terjadi. Hermawan memimpin dengan nilai 6,5 dan 7,5 sampai saat Frimanto mengambil ombak set yang menghadiahi dirinya nilai 8.0 dan meninggalkan Hermawan dengan perbedaan 6,5 point. Menunggu dengan sabar dan ombka berukuran sedang yang di pilih Hermawan yang dimana dia berhasil meng eksekusi dua aerial manuver yang meraih nilai 9,5 meraih posisi pimpinan dan akhirnya menjadi juara saaat horn time berbunyi.
“Saat Frimanto meraih angka 8 dan melampaui saya, saya tahu harus berbuat sesuatu yang besar untuk merebut kembali posisi itu. Saya ambil ombak yang datang, melakukan aerial dan ternyata kondisi masih memungkinkan untuk melakukannya sekali lagi. Sungguh senang, sangat beruntung saya memilih ombak tadi dan ternyata gak ada lagi yang datang untuk Frimanto sampai waktu habis” imbuhnya.
Kompetisi hari ini dimulai setelah hujan yang teramat lebat akhirnya berhenti, dimana memaksa menunda event yang harusnya di mulai pukul 7 menjadi pukul 8.30. Para surfer harus bertanding dekat muara sungai yang ber-arus keras, dan angin yang kencang.
Meskipun situasi cuaca kurang ideal, Sports and Alternate Marketing Manager Oakley Indonesia: Gino Andrias merasa puas dengan jalannya pertandingan, bahkan berucap “Mungkin ini adalah final paling gila yang pernah saya saksikan, diluar prediksi.
Hari yang keras untuk para surfer di kompetisi kali ini, dengan cuaca dan kondisi ombak, namun itu pula yang menjadikan kompetisi ini sebagai lading ujian yang layak dan dua surfer terbaik telah melaluinya. Ini adalah event yang menjadikan Oakley bisa berbangga dan gak sabar untuk menunggu event yang lebih akbar di Oktober dan dengan aksi yang lebih oleh pro junior surfer.”
Oakley Pro Junior 2010 berada dibawah naungan Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championship Tour dan di sponsori/support oleh: Extreme Toys, life. , New Era, Firewire, 101,2 Oz Radio Bali, Lines Magazine dan Surftime Magazine.
Untuk review aksi lebih lanjut, termasuk heat draw, video dan photo, klik isctour.com/events/projuniorcanggu. Dan di Facebook apadaIndonesian Surfing Championship, facebook.com/iscprotour. Juga klik event site: oakleyprojunior.com dan join Oakley Indonesia di Facebook: facebook.com/oakleyindonesia.
Hasil 2010 Oakley Pro Junior kontes
1) Putra Hermawan (Nusa Lembongan) 7.5, 9.5 = 17.0 points
2) Agus Frimanto (Nusa Lembongan) 6.0, 8.0 = 14.0 points
3) Gazeli Hamzah (Sumbawa) and Darmaputra Tonjo (Bali)
Info lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi
Previous reports:
# 1 : Oakley Indo announces Oakley Pro Junior at Canggu
# 2 : Top seeds blitz Oakley Pro Junior Canggu Day 1
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