Julia Roberts finds love with Javiar Bardem in Bali -- at least on film in 'Eat, Pray, Love'
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August 11, 2010 -- Last night Julia Roberts attended the premiere of her film 'Eat, Pray, Love' which features three destinations in Italy, India and Indonesia.
Bali has especially enjoyed the great anticipation for this top-notch film. In fact, tourism is up as travelers rediscover this Indonesian paradise some had abandoned due to alleged problems in the area, now proving the pleasurable destination is not only gorgeous but also safe.
Back during the pre-production stage, permits to shoot in this part of the world were difficult to garner. But, success prevailed after Ida Bagus Puruvita, the Gianyar cultural office’s chief of permits and films went to bat for the filming of 'Eat, Pray, Love'.
According to the Jakarta Globe, Puruvita said:
“Why impede [the filming]? After all, it will also promote [tourism] in Bali.
Indeed. And that it did.
Among locations, of particular interest -- in the film and for newbee travelers headed to this popular part of Indonesia -- are many Ubud highlights. The exotic setting makes any location shoot sweet, and the hotels are among the best in the world. Ditto the shopping, so be sure to pack an extra suitcase in your suitcase if you're headed that way.
FYI: Locations chosen and utilized in 'Eat, Pray, Love' that should be on your itinerary include Banjar Bentuyung, Banjar Nyuh Kuning, Pengosekan, the Ubud Art Market and Monkey Forest Park.
Also possible is the love part of 'Eat, Pray, Love' -- or at least that's what the Julia Roberts character experienced. So, go, see the film (opening wide this weekend), and then plan your Bali adventure where the tourism benefits in this seductive part of Asia will benefit you, the traveler, too.
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